It takes a village to launch a successful artist and songwriters are an essential part of the village and yet they are still at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to income - Amy wadge
I’ve been extremely lucky in my career over the last 15 years in what I’ve achieved, but I can’t imagine trying to break through and make a name for myself in 2021 - I simply wouldn’t have been able to afford it. Like in any other creative industry, we must nurture and look after the next generation of amazingly talented people coming through and this has to start by giving songwriters a fairer share of the pie.
— Iain James, Songwriter
Songwriters invest in artists and emerging talent by spending time in the studio providing direction, inspiration and development at their own risk and often for no return. Unlike a label, a songwriter does not have the same means to absorb these costs. Coupled with the inadequate revenues songwriters receive through streaming, the risks and rewards writers face needs to be re-balanced.
record labels
Midia’s figures suggest that the recorded music business saw revenues of $23.1 billion in the year. That was up 7% on 2019, and represented a $1.5 billion monetary increase year-on-year. While labels enjoy record revenues from streaming, songwriters are struggling to pay the rent. The Pay Songwriters campaign provides simple ways for the labels to support songwriters when it’s needed most.